Monday, August 22, 2016

Slow and Steady

Progress has been rather slow as of late due to scheduling conflicts and the works.  With my wedding only a few weeks out, I trust that it will only become a little more hectic!

I managed to get the initial coat of the washable sand applied to the Alte.  I'm in the midst of creating a full-length tutorial that will be published here in the next week or so.

Additionally, I broke out the dremel and decided to refit the 88mm to the PZ IV by lowering the deck down a bit.  I'm still on the fence with adding the shield (even though the rules give it to you) as I've seen the actual vehicle with and without the shield in place.  If did add the shield, it does obstruct the gun's ability to swivel.  I'll make a decision soon enough.

Thanks for looking,


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