Friday, March 17, 2017

The Soviet Mech is Done!

After blitzing through two months of work, this Soviet-Era style mech is complete!

In the coming days, I'll be writing up a brief "how to" regarding the white washed effects that I used for this small scene.

As always, thanks for looking!


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Air Support is Standing By

The 1/72 Corsair is complete!  It shipped out and met its new owner this past weekend.  It will now assist Mr. Andy Singleton's USMC force.  I left the prop and nose cone off as once it's on, it can't be taken off.  It would have been damaged during shipping if left on.

As always, thanks for looking!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Odds and Ends

I've decided to mix it up a little bit and try some stuff out before moving full on into my Finnish army.

Last weekend I attended a two day painting clinic. I had a blast learning new techniques and refining my current knowledge. I learned a lot and had fun working on the figure they provided for us:

Fantasy figures aren't really my thing at all, but I'll be sure to use the same techniques when working on display figures for my Bolt Action armies.

Next up, I'm been wrapping up the build and painting of the Corsair for my good friend Andy Singleton's USMC. The build has been a lot of fun and I've only got the base left to finish before I pack it up and ship it off:

And finally, I've been working on a K-47 style mech for a contest in a painting group I'm in. The mech is styled after a WW2 soviet tank. It's been a good exercise and excuse to try out various winter weathering techniques before I jump into some future projects.

As always, thanks for looking and have a great one!


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Diewaffenkammer's Tortoise

Wow it's hard to believe it's been two months since I made a post.  I've been swamped with work, the holidays, and even helped run my very first Bolt Action tournament.  I've played in a fair amount of tournaments, but this was truly a "first" for me to actually organize and run one. It was a blast!

Today I'll be sharing a review of a very unusual tank: the Tortoise.  Today's model was brought to you by Jeff Trnka and Richard Humble.  The 1:56 model can be purchased at Die Waffenkammer.

The A39 Tortoise was a tank destroyer that was developed by the British towards the end of World War 2.  It was developed for the messy task of laying siege to heavily fortified areas and structures and relied on its armor rather than its speed.  The tank never saw combat with only a few of them built as prototypes by the end of the war.

The vehicle was crewed by a total of 7: a commander, driver, main gunner,  2 loaders serviced the 32-pounder gun and infantry would have been kept at bay by 2 machine gunners.  The gun was an adapted design taken from a 3.7 inch British anti-aircraft gun.  The gun was capable of tanking out a German Panther tank at roughly 1,000 yards.

Protecting such a gun was no small task as the developers wanted to keep the gun and its crew safe during siege conditions. The armor on the Tortoise ranges from 1.3 inches on the top to 7-9 inches thick on the front and sides.  The vehicle was 33 feet long by 13 feet wide and 9 feet tall.  It weighed 78 tons.

The kit by Die Waffenkammer certainly wasn't that big but it did have heft.  It's essentially a huge block of resin.  It arrived neatly packed in a box with a note from Jeff.  The entire kit is resin and my is the detail incredible on it. All of the pieces went together wonderfully.  There was no warping to contend with and very little clean up was needed.

Here's a good judgment of the scale of the vehicle with it next to a Russian JS-3 and a ISU-152.

The Tortoise was a blast to paint.  I painted it as a gift to a friend who's been running a British army against me for some time.  I'm not sure how we'll run it in games, but I'm pretty sure we can create some house rules for it.  I wanted to emulate a subtle camouflage scheme I've seen in some articles about British armored divisions pushing towards Berlin.  I held off of weathering it too much, but I wanted to give the impression of it being in a wet environment at times and made sure to create plenty of rain/ grime streaks down the sides of the super structure.  I used a variety of paints, pigments, filters and washes by Ammo by Mig.


This kit is fantastic.  I loved building it and I especially loved painting it.  The only drawback I could see for some people would be that there are not any rules available for it in Bolt Action, however that shouldn't be an issue for people who enjoy making house rules.  The details and build quality is second to none especially considering it's for 1:56 scale.  This kit is fantastic

If you enjoyed the review, feel free to leave a comment below as it really helps the site out.  Additionally, if you'd like to pick up a Tortoise of your own, head on over to Die Waffenkammer or follow this link to the direct listing.

Until next time, have a great one.